Marta Dell'Angelo


Artist book

Marta Dell'Angelo


Artist book




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8 books

First edition of 200 copies numbered and signed

Paper band: copies 51 to 200


Text by
Stefano Bartezzaghi, Silvia Bignami, Sara Boffito, Ilaria Bonacossa, Adelina von Fustenberg, Antonello Negri, Francesca Pasini, Andrea Pinotti, Pietro Gaglianò, Vittorio Gallese, Alessandra Pace, Ida Terracciano, Giorgio Zanchetti.

Aphrodite A is a collection of 8 books, designed and packaged by Marta Dell’Angelo.
The books are published on the occasion of the finissage of Marta Dell’Angelo’s solo exhibition AFRODITE A, which occupied the three floors of Assab One from the end of May to the beginning of September 2019, with new and site-specific works and re-interpretations of previous projects and installations.

Titles like file extensions refer to different expressions of the author’s work. The extension of a file, in the computer field, is a suffix, i.e. a short sequence of alphanumeric characters placed at the end of the name of a file and separated from the previous part by a dot, through which the operating system can distinguish the type of content (text, music, image, video…) and the format used and open it with the corresponding application.


Marta Dell’Angelo (Pavia, 1970)

The focus of Marta Dell’Angelo investigation is centred on the human body-its gestures, its postures- and embraces neurosciences and anthropology insights. As an artist she uses and masters many different languages, from painting and drawing to video and photography, to installations and performances. She has taken part in the Moskow Biennale (2004), Tirana Biennale (2009), Thessaloniki Biennale ( 2013), the first Triennale dedicated to contemporary art of Armenia (2017). Her works have been exhibited in several galleries amd museums in Italy and abroad: in Milano at PAC Padiglione di Arte Contemporanea, at Palazzo Reale, at Palazzo delle Stelline, at Museo del Novecento, at Mediateca di Santa Teresa, at the Triennale, in Rome at MACRO; in Gallarate at MAGA, in Bolzano at Museion, in Torino at Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, in Bologna at MAMbo and at Nosadelladue, in Camogli at Fondazione Remotti, in Genova at Museo di Villa Croce; in Florence at Srisa; in Venezia at Palazzo Fortuny; in Berlin at Medizin Historisches Museum, in Madrid at Istituto Italiano di Cultura, in Bruxelles at Fondaco, in San Francisco at Istituto italiano di Cultura and at CCC. She has published the books Manuale della figura umana (ed. Gli Ori, 2007) and, in collaboration with Ludovica Lumer, C’è da Perderci la testa (ed. Laterza). Her works are present in several private and public collections.

Personal exhibitions:

2021: Fuorimano, Film/doc, Anteo Palazzo del Cinema, Milan

2020: SCRIPTA festival curated by Pietro Gaglianò, Florence

2019: AFRODITE A, Assab One, Milan

2018: Palio di Siena – Contrada della torre, curated by Michela Eremita
COLLAGE VIVANT curated by Francesca Pasini, Noli Contemporary Art Festival

2017: CARICHI PENDENTI, spazio C.O.S.M.O., Milan

2016: UN GIORNO O L’ALTRO…, curated by Pino Jelo, Palazzo Comunale, Fortunago (PV)
CORPO A CORPO, with Serena Fineschi, curated by Pietro Gaglianò, Galleria Passaggi, Pisa
FRAGILE, with Summer Mei Ling Lee, curated by M.Pugliese, ICI, CCC, San Francisco
ESTRATTO-QUO VADIS 2011/2016, curated by E. Del Prete, foyer of Sì, Bologna

2015: LA QUARTA VETRINA, curated by F. Pasini, Libreria delle Donne, Milan
L’ARTE IN UNA STANZA, curated by Antonello Negri, Fondazione Pasquinelli, Milan
A4564, curated by Pietro Gaglianò, Santa Reparata International, School of Art, Florence

2013:SENZA TITOLO, curated by Francesca Pasini, Fondazione Pier Luigi e Natalina Remotti, Camogli (GE)
CARIATIDI, site specific Project curated by Ilaria Bonacossa, Scalone Museo di Villa Croce

2012: AND THEY CAME…, audio installation International Society for History of Neurosciences, Fondazione G. Cini, Venice
CARIATIDI-WALLPAPER, Le Case d’Arte gallery, Milan

2011: JOINT, Nosadella.due, Bologna
ANTOLOGIA DELLE POSIZIONI, Nosadella.due, MAMbo, Bologna
TROCA performance, Nosadella.due, MAMbo, Gender Bender Festival, Bologna
AGENTE – AGISCE – AGITO, Primo Piano d’Artista, curated by Alessandra Galasso, Museo del Novecento, Milan

2010:FACCIA A FACCIA, Assab One, LAC contemporary art, Liceo Artistico Statale Caravaggio, Milan

2009: ANTOLOGIA DELLE POSIZIONI, Le Case d’Arte gallery, Milan
LA PRUA, curated by Art for the world, Open Care, Milan

2007: TUTT’APPOSTO? with Mika Rottenberg, curated by S. Bignami and F. Pasini, Biblioteca Braidense, Milan
FACCIA A FACCIA, curated by Silvia Bignami, Mediateque Università degli Studi di Milano, Department of History of Art, Milan

2004: UNTITLED, Le Case d’Arte, Milan
XIN XIN AND MIGNON, Alberto Levi Gallery, Milan

2003: CORPORATE, Company collections: a museum network for contemporary art, Taranto
>0<, New York Award, Italian Academy for Advanced Studies, Columbia University, NY City

2002: INPIEDI,  curated by Silvia Bignami, Omphalos art gallery, Terlizzi (BA)
CLASSE III H, curated by Alessandra Galasso, Le Case d’Arte gallery, Milan
COL(O)RANTI, curated by Alessandra Galasso, Nicola Ricci art gallery, Pietrasanta (MS)

2002: MARTA DELL’ANGELO, curated by Plinio De Martiis, Galleria La Tartariga, Castelluccio di Pienza, (SI)

1999: ARTISTI IN VETRINA, curated by Plinio De Martiis, Fendissime, Rome



  • Marta dell'Angelo, Afrodite A, 2019, Artist book
    Marta dell'Angelo, Afrodite A, 2019. Photo: Mafalda Galessi
  • Marta dell'Angelo, Afrodite A, 2019, Artist book
    Marta dell'Angelo, Afrodite A, 2019. Photo: Mafalda Galessi

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